
Filled a disk, and then kept getting error about acquiring cfs lock when trying to do anything, incl modifying VMs, the storage.cfg files, and running pvesr status

I noticed systemctl status pve-cluster had an error like crit: rollback transaction failed: cannot rollback - no transaction is active#010

All googling talked about failed quorum and disk replication issues.

However, I only have a single node instance, cluster. I disabled corosync and some other bits shortly after install.

This page helped: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/remove-or-reset-cluster-configuration.114260/post-493906

I ended up running:

systemctl stop pve-cluster   
pmxcfs -l  
killall pmxcfs  
systemctl start pve-cluster

This fixed it for me. I didn’t run the command to remove corosync config as I’d already done that.